The Secret of All Things
My friend, take the time to look at yourself, and meditate upon the wonder you are! Everything about you is intricately woven together, functioning together, communicating constantly within, most of this activity carries on in each moment, in each heartbeat, without your thinking or directing these myriads of actions.
You were formed, constructed, designed in your mother’s womb to be an amazing creature, worthy of bearing the image of God!
Your very design celebrates along with all of creation around you, the symbiotic nature of all things!
You see my dear friend; you are uniquely designed to participate in reciprocal love. All of creation, in which you daily participate , expresses mutuality in its very fabric. It is relational. Nothing exists in and of itself nor for itself.
And where does this design originate? Within the Creator Himself! He is the perfect Shared Life. It follows logically that all His created works are thus intended to be interactive finding the pinnacle of its experience in intimate fellowship with God Himself.
And what is the Secret? Love.
God is Love, and He expresses Himself relationally!
We are His creation and we find fulfillment in expressing our love for others and receiving love from others.
It is written, ‘Love the LORD your God with all your heart,soul, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself’. The Circle of Love.
Unfortunately, evil like a malignant cancer, is ever present, lurking and searching for pathways to spread into the interdependence of humanity, and Love is the only cure!
This is why Jesus tells us to forgive, do not hold grudges, for example. If we hold on to unforgiveness, bitterness and its consequences will infect those relationships, sickening or even destroying them—and us!
Take my words to heart. Let them find root, and their fruit will prove their worth.