Identity, Self-Worth, and the Pursuit of Health

My Blogs are written from a perspective that we are our Creator’s Image Bearers! That we are so much more than our history, cultures, and education have attempted to defined us. So, I myself am in pursuit of this truth, and I encourage you to pursue Who you really are as well!

Health is a word that attempts to capture that state of being at liberty from dis-ease of spirit, soul and body.

That prefix, ‘dis’, appears in many of our English words: dishearten, disconnect, distrust, disgrace, for example. ‘Dis’ attempts to describe the opposite of; where there was once ease, now worry, anxiety, illness replace health.

That which was once connected is now dis-connected; bowels which were in their correct place in the body are now dis-disemboweled. “Dis’ is the condition of ill-health of a person, place or thing.

Think about these words: dis-appoint; dis-obey; dis-honest; dis-may;dis-own; dis-turb; dis-dain.

‘Dis’ is characteristic of this present Dis Age, or Evil Age. And the direct result is ill health of body, mind and spirit. Despite all our modern conveniences, we have an epidemic mental health crisis in our nation; depression and anxiety abound; people are searching for a purpose—the reason for life.

What we eat, what we watch, what we listen to, how we think, what we think about, what we drink, who we are in relationship with all may be corrupted by ‘Dis’. Evil is insidious and is active in this ‘Dis’ Age. So, we must be diligent.

Proverbs 3:7-8 Do not be wise in your own eyes, be in awe of the Creator and shun evil. This will bring HEALTH TO YOUR BODY AND NOURISHMENT TO YOUR BONES.

Health will replace the’Dis” condition when three attributes of wisdom are followed:

  1. Do not be wise in your own eyes——pride is self deception; be humble and be a learner.

  2. Live is awe of our Creator- We are small, very small; our planet is small, very small; our sun is small in comparison to the giant suns out in the universe; our solar system is a cul de sac

    in an ocean of billions spinning galaxies!

  3. Shun Evil- Evil is often dressed up as horror—its true form lies in its deceptive beauty—pride! That somehow “I” am glorious in and of myself and ‘I” do not need God…after all “I” is doing such a fine job. As the Evil One lied in the Garden—”You can be as God…”.

In our journey in discovering Who we are, His Image Bearers, we shed the curse of the “Dis” condition, and embrace our true identity and the ‘health’ condition begins to take its place in our lives!

Jesus said that we must be AS little children to see and enter the Kingdom of God. To trust Him. To follow Him. To believe Him. That He is the Truth about Who we are, and that we are dearly loved by His Father, and that we can begin that journey now, in this present Dis-Age. In doing this, we learn, by contrast— the Truth.

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