Identity, Worth, and the Death of Adam
So this month, the beautiful month of April, I will be sharing Easter themes will you!
Please read the Gospel of John, Chapter 13 before reading the rest of this Blog.
The scene is the upper room, Jesus has gathered his closest friends and followers to celebrate the Jewish Holy Day of Passover. There is only one person in the room who understands the Event of events that is about to occur outside the walls of Jerusalem—-God’s Passover Lamb is about to be slain.
But, I want you to see a different perspective on this scene.
Jesus is God Incarnate! God, our Creator, the Maker of all things has come as one of us! Flesh and blood and bones. He has lived a human life! And now he is going to be betrayed by his closest friends, even by his own people, by the religious authorities, and crucified by the ruthless Romans!
Follow me for a moment. You see, Eve was deceived by the Liar, but Adam went into the Lie knowingly! He committed treason before God. More than that, He broke the sacred trust of the bond between Creator and creation! In doing so, Adam fell headlong into the alternate reality of the Self life! The Rebellion of Lucifer and his fallen angels. And in doing so, cursed his DNA, his seed to the same fate. This Evil Age we live in is evil because evil exists in our nature. And what is the essence of evil? Self. That is, an existence outside the fellowship of the Triune God.
So, Jesus washes Adam’s feet! Jesus tells Adam to love his brothers as He has loved them. All the while knowing that Judas, Peter, and the rest were going to either betray and forsake Him! Adam would do what is true to his nature!
Peter boasts that he will follow Jesus into death! He doesn’t! He cannot! Adam will think of himself first.
Judas is thinking about money and what he can make of betraying Jesus.
The Sanhedrin rejects Jesus, after all, they can achieve right standing before God without Him!
The Jews reject and jeer Jesus as they too see he is a threat to the system they have learned to live in—-a striving to be, well, someone.
The Romans just see Him as a threat and are happy to crucify Him!
So Adam rejects Jesus clutching to the Lie that he, Adam, can at least be as God!
But what Adam does not realize in his delirious state is—-he actually is crucifying himself! Jesus, in becoming human, has now entered into Adam’s rebellion, brokenness and wickedness! In killing Jesus, Adam is killing himself!
When Jesus dies and is buried, Adam is dead and is buried!
When Jesus rises, and ascends to Heaven, He is in Himself the new Human Race! The Second Adam!
Paul writes: I have been crucified with Christ. I no longer live. But Christ lives in me. And the life I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God who gave Himself up for me!
Humanity has been crucified! Adamic curse is now lifted from us! We are restored to union, to relationship with our Creator! This is the Good News!
Your identity and worth is restored in the actions of the love of God in Christ Jesus!
How then do we experience this Truth in time and space? Today. In this moment.
Just say to God—Amen! That word means—So be it! I agree! And open your heart for the coming of the Holy Spirit to live in you, and with you, ushering you into Jesus’ relationship with His Father that your were always designed for!